Thursday, October 16, 2014

ColourPop Haul and First Impressions

About a week ago I was watching The Schuerman Show and saw Sam wearing a deep wine color on her lips. 

Episode "Defeated!" posted on 10-5-14

I immediately hoped that she would mention what brand and color she was wearing and next thing I knew I was pulling up the ColourPop website.

I always try to get to know more about the companies I'm shopping with and it was amazing to find out that ColourPop's home is a stone's throw away from my doorstep. It is very important to me to support local businesses since I've seen so many of my favorite smaller companies close due to the larger chain stores moving in. So if I like the company, their product and their message I will definitely add my support where I can.

As soon as I traveled over to the "Shop" section and saw the colors available I was hooked. There are 36 Lippie Stix, 38 Lippie Pencils, 54 Super Shock Shadow Singles and 3 Super Shock Shadow Quads. The colors in all of the collections range from the soft and safe neutrals to the bold and unique purples and blues...and I'm not just talking about eye shadows. 

All of a sudden I looked at my cart and there were 10 items in there! How did that happen? Well since it did why don't we get into the products I bought...

First off can I just say that the folks over at ColourPop really know how to package their products. The box above was sealed in a large box stuffed with packing material and then when I opened this box I found each product bubble wrapped and suspended in more packing material. Some might think that's over kill but I appreciate the fact that they truly care about whether the items you ordered get to you in one piece. I mean the mailman would really have had to played kick ball with this package for it to come damaged.

Secondly since I am a sucker for cute packaging and personalization, I was so giddy that I received what looks like a hand written note saying that I'm Shaveworthy! I love that the company wants to interact with their customers on a personal level. I didn't just receive a order slip with my customer number on it...they showed me some love which completely brightened my day. It's always the small things like this that sets companies apart.

Ok...Enough gushing...Let's start with the lip products.

This whole thing started because I saw Sam wearing a color called Bichette so of course that bad boy made it into my cart and I was thoroughly impressed. The remaining colors I chose also lived up to the hype!

The website describes each Lippie Stix as:

"Deep red wine in a matte finish. Boys will be fawn-ing over you."

"A deepened blackened burgundy red in a matte finish aka “a sultry, fierce red for the world dominator.” — Feral Creature

"Classic blue red in a matte finish. Why this shade? Cuz betch- you the boss."

These lip products swatched true to color and glided over my skin smoothly. And although they are matte lip products I didn't feel any drying. They actually felt very comfortable and weightless. When I wore the Bichette color the following day I found that the staying power is definitely there. I did have to touch up after 
lunch and since it couldn't stand up to my burger but there was enough residual color on my lips to smudge across my lips if I wanted to wear a lighter hue of this color. Of course I wanted the deep wine color so I reapplied and even with a second application I received a very even looking product that didn't travel off of my lips. I believe that had to do with the Lippie Pencil of the same name that I laid down as a base. These
pencils don't crumble when pressed against your lips. Instead they melts into it and have a good amount of slip when working them around the edges of your mouth. I really hate when a lip pencil skips along the edges unevenly and these did not do that. I was able to fill my lips with these pencil and if I wanted to could have left the house with just this on, but when I topped them with the Lippie Stix the color became more opaque and I could tell the staying power would be there.

These are definitely lip products I will be reaching for daily.

Here are the products swatched. From the Left you have Bichette Lippie Stix and Pencil, Bossy Lippie Stix and Pencil and Creature Lippie Stix and Pencil.

Now onto the Super Shock Shadows:

"Super neon candy apple red with sparkling pink and copper glitter. Let your freak flag fly with this baby. Totally x-rated, makeup junkie certified."

"Yippe Ki yay Mother lovers, introducing your new favorite warm rusty brown with a satin finish."

Game Face
"Prepare to get rowdy with an intense penny copper with a liquid like ultra-metallic finish."

"Rich black doused with high levels of silver glitter and hints of pink glitter. Smoky, mysterious, sultry with a handful of F*** You. Shy need not apply."

When I touched my finger to the shadow I opened I was shocked! It felt as though I was dipping my finger into a wet cream shadow, but I know that this was not the case. The product was dry to the touch but it applied to my skin with the slip of a cream product...I was amazed!

I purchased to glitter shadows, a satin and a metallic and let me tell you these colors are intense. Even Bandit, which I thought would be a simple neutral color, was shockingly deep and saturated. The products did not feel chalky in the least. The glittery shadows did have a bit of fallout but that is to be expected with those types of finishes. 

I wore three of the shadows together the next day and I received so many complements on my eye color...not the just the color of my eye shadow, but the actual color of my eyes. It was amazing how these shadows made my eyes pop. The clear winner of the trio was Game Face for it's new penny copper finish. It seemed to be a real crowd pleaser. The shadows do come with an instruction card for application so please make sure you review and follow them carefully.

If you would like to see swatches of these eye shadows please watch my video below:

My final thoughts on these products are absolutely positive. I have used these items for a week now and have not seen any obvious issues. The colors are exactly what I envisioned when I placed my order. I was a bit surprised I was able to find so many products to order so quickly but I couldn't be mad since all of the products were only $5.00 each!

I would encourage you to take a look at the ColourPop website and see their entire array of lip and eye offerings. They even have free shipping for orders over $30.00. Considering you'll be paying drug store prices for high quality products, you can't lose.

I hope you enjoyed my review. Please know that I paid for these products on my own and was not asked to review them by the company. These opinions are mine alone and 100% honest.

Take care and I'll see you next blog!

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